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across ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

across anlamı
1) karşısında
2) içinden
3) üstünden
4) öbür tarafında
5) ortasından
1) karşıya
2) karşıdan karşıya
3) çapraz
4) genişliğinde

"across" için örnek kullanımlar

Residents across South Lakeland can help shape policy across.
Güney Lakeland genelinde sakinleri karşısında şekil politikası yardımcı olabilir.
Kaynak: thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk
Across the country, some communities seek to require gun ownership.
Ülkenin dört bir yanında, bazı topluluklar silah mülkiyeti gerektiren amaçlıyoruz.
Kaynak: duluthnewstribune.com
See below where Thane has been and where he is heading on his trip across the country.
O ülke genelinde yaptığı gezisinde nereye gittiğini Thane olmuştur ve nerede aşağıya bakın.
Kaynak: torontosun.com
Perhaps most surprisingly, gun ownership is down across many regions and demographics.
Belki de en şaşırtıcı, silah mülkiyeti birçok bölge ve demografik karşısında düştü.
Kaynak: kdvr.com
147 | 03 | 31 | E | type:landmark_region:AU | name Bethanga Bridge | Bellbridge | 1930 | on the Riverina Highway across Lake Hume | - |
Kaynak: List of crossings of the Murray River
The prefix trans- is Latin and means "across" or beyond, and so "Transjordan" refers to the land on the other side of the Jordan River .
Kaynak: Transjordan (Bible)
The Race Across America, or RAAM, is an ultra marathon bicycle race across the United States that started in 1982 as the Great American
Kaynak: Race Across America
Swim Across America Inc. and awareness for cancer research, prevention and treatment by hosting open water and pool swim events across the US.
Kaynak: Swim Across America
Across Indiana is a weekly 30 minute long television program which covers places, people, history and culture across Indiana .
Kaynak: Across Indiana
The March across the Belts was a campaign between 30 January and 8 February 1658 during the Second Northern War where King Charles X
Kaynak: March across the Belts

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