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agriculture ne demek?

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agriculture anlamı
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"agriculture" için örnek kullanımlar

Nebraska agriculture has a great deal to celebrate during National Ag Week 2013.
Nebraska Tarım Ulusal Ag Haftası 2013 yılında kutlamak için büyük bir anlaşma vardır.
Kaynak: columbustelegram.com
What better day to recognize the incredible achievements of women in agriculture?
Tarımda kadınların inanılmaz başarılarını tanımak için ne daha iyi bir gün?
Kaynak: blogs.usda.gov
It is a yearly tradition for the agriculture commissioner to appear before the committee.
Bu komitenin huzuruna tarım komiseri için bir yıllık gelenektir.
Kaynak: dailymail.com
TIKA supports the organic agriculture methods in Albania to improve agricultural activities.
TİKA tarım faaliyetleri geliştirmek için Arnavutluk'taki organik tarım yöntemlerini destekler.
Kaynak: worldbulletin.net
An agriculture ministry (also called an agriculture department, agriculture board, agriculture council, or agriculture agency) is a
Kaynak: List of agriculture ministries
Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation , green manure , compost and biological pest
Kaynak: Organic farming
used in the practice and understanding of agriculture . (Veterinary science , but not animal science , is often excluded from the definition.)
Kaynak: Agricultural science
The United States Secretary of Agriculture is the head of the United States Department of Agriculture . to those of agriculture minister s
Kaynak: United States Secretary of Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture is the act of farming using principles of ecology , the study of relationships between organisms and their
Kaynak: Sustainable agriculture
This includes agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining, and extraction of oil and gas. This is contrasted with the secondary sector ,
Kaynak: Primary sector of the economy
On lawmaking, the Commission's proposals are decided on by the Council of agriculture ministers of the 27 EU countries, together with the
Kaynak: Common Agricultural Policy
Demographic Transition, sometimes called the Agricultural Revolution, was the world's first historically verifiable revolution in agriculture .
Kaynak: Neolithic Revolution
Another contributor, Theodore Schultz was among the first to examine development economics as a problem related directly to agriculture
Kaynak: Agricultural economics
Agricultural policy describes a set of laws relating to domestic agriculture and imports of foreign agricultural products. agricultural
Kaynak: Agricultural policy
In agriculture , agribusiness is a generic term that can be applied to business es involved in some or all of the following agriculturally
Kaynak: Agribusiness
The economy of the state is highly dependent on three sources: hydroelectric power, tourism and agriculture. Hindus make up 95% of the state
Kaynak: Himachal Pradesh
Agricultural education is the teaching of agriculture, natural resources, and land management through hands on experience and guidance to
Kaynak: Agricultural education
Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that emphasizes the holistic development and interrelationships of the soil, plants
Kaynak: Biodynamic agriculture

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