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apologia ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

apologia anlamı
1) savunma
2) müdafaa
3) haklı gösterme

"apologia" için örnek kullanımlar

Longe de mim fazer apologia, mas pelo visto as drogas não tão destruindo essa aí não.
Longe de mim fazer savunma, drogas não Tao destruindo essa AI não olarak mas pelo visto.
Kaynak: paroutudo.com
Your frankly vile apologia is wrong even in its title: this Pope has done more than enough.
Sizin açıkçası aşağılık müdafaa bile başlık yanlış: Bu Papa yeterli olandan fazlasını yapmıştır.
Kaynak: winnipegfreepress.com
It is the true apologia for man and for God.
Bu adam için ve Allah için gerçek müdafaa olduğunu.
Kaynak: timesofmalta.com
The term apologetics etymologically derives from the Classical Greek word apologia. (κατηγορία), and the defendant replied with an apologia.
Kaynak: Apologetics
"Apology" here has its earlier meaning (now usually expressed by the word "apologia ") of speaking in defense of a cause or of one's
Kaynak: Apology (Plato)
An apologia. (ἀπολογία. is a speech or writing that defends the speaker or author's position. Apologia may also refer to:
Kaynak: Apologia (disambiguation)
topics and forms, including scripture and inspiration, interpretation, history and biography, introduction and study materials, and apologia .
Kaynak: Bahá'í literature
Always be prepared to give an answer (defense or "apologia") to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Kaynak: ApologetiX
The work is as much an apologia for the legal system of the time as it is an explanation; even when the law was obscure, Blackstone sought
Kaynak: Commentaries on the Laws of England

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