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aquarelle ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

aquarelle anlamı
1) suluboya
2) suluboya resim

"aquarelle" için örnek kullanımlar

Aquarelle mall in Volgograd, Russia, as well as the 33,600 sq.m.
Aquarelle Volgograd'ın merkezi, Rusya, hem de 33,600 Metrekare
Kaynak: pie-mag.com
Société Canadienne de L'aquarelle Art Exhibition.
Société Canadienne de L 'suluboya Sanat Sergisi.
Kaynak: montrealgazette.com
Il représentait pour moi ce lien entre la poésie, l'aquarelle, la douceur, l'art de l'affiche et de la communication par l'image.
Il représentait pour moi ce lien entre la poésie, l 'suluboya, la douceur, l'art de l'affiche et de la iletişim par l'görüntü.
Kaynak: artshebdomedias.com
Si no quieres parar por una tienda o prefieres aprovechar el tiempo en el metro o el autobús para elegir el mejor ramo Aquarelle es perfecta.
Si no quieres parar por una tienda o prefieres aprovechar el tiempo en el metro o el autobus para elegir el mejor ramo Aquarelle es perfecta.
Kaynak: elconfidencial.com
Watercolor (American English ) or watercolour (Commonwealth and Ireland), also aquarelle from French, is a painting method.
Kaynak: Watercolor painting
He painted aquarelle s and oil painting s. Mostly he painted themes displaying rooms populated with aristocrates and clergy.
Kaynak: Camillo Gioja Barbera
(1791- 15 August | 1848 | 3 August) was a Russia n aquarelle portrait ist who painted many of the most distinguished figures of the
Kaynak: Pyotr Fyodorovich Sokolov
Marina Johanna Kulik (The Hague , July 13, 1956) is a Dutch painter, known for her lively portrait paintings in aquarelle and for her
Kaynak: Marina Kulik
He is known for his aquarelle s of Stockholm and his landscape oil paintings that feature romantic lighting effects. Nationalencyklopedin
Kaynak: Elias Martin
New Realism paintings, conceptual art , performance , sketches, small drawings and aquarelle as a pattern for installations were developed.
Kaynak: Orlando Mohorović
In the 1970-1980s, he received international recognition for his numerous aquarelle work. In the 1970s he participated in lectures as part
Kaynak: Krayem Awad
File:Vers 1895, village aquarelle par Gabriel van Dievoet (1875-1934).JPG | 1895, village, watercolour. File:AQUARELLE PAR Gabriel van
Kaynak: Gabriel Van Dievoet
In his aquarelle s and drawings, he depicted rural interiors, persons, and scenes. He also copied Serbian folk embroidery and other
Kaynak: Vladislav Titelbah

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