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arthritis ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

arthritis anlamı
1) artrit
2) arterit
3) eklem iltihabı
4) mafsal iltihabı

"arthritis" için örnek kullanımlar

ARTHRITIS may have met its match, in the form of the llama immune system.
Artrit lama bağışıklık sistemi şeklinde, kendi dengini olabilir.
Kaynak: newscientist.com
It can be hard for people to know what to say to someone with arthritis.
İnsanların ne artrit olan birine söylemek bilmek için zor olabilir.
Kaynak: arthritis.about.com
Eventually, doctors at Natiowide Children's Hospital diagnosed juvenile arthritis.
Sonunda, Natiowide Çocuk Hastanesi'nde doktorlar juvenil artrit tanısı.
Kaynak: dispatch.com
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks
Kaynak: Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis, is a group of mechanical
Kaynak: Osteoarthritis
Septic arthritis is the purulent invasion of a joint by an infectious agent which produces arthritis People with artificial joints are
Kaynak: Septic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis (also arthritis psoriatica, arthropathic psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy) is a type of inflammatory arthritis that
Kaynak: Psoriatic arthritis
Reactive arthritis is classified as an autoimmune condition that develops in response to an infection in another part of the body
Kaynak: Reactive arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) (aka Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis JRA) is the most common form of arthritis in child ren and
Kaynak: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
The Arthritis Foundation is the largest national nonprofit organization solely dedicated to the prevention, control and cure of arthritis
Kaynak: Arthritis Foundation
Childhood Arthritis (JA) also known as Juvenile arthritis is any form of arthritis or arthritis related conditions which affects
Kaynak: Childhood arthritis
Arthritis Care is the UK 's largest charity dedicated to supporting people with arthritis (registered charity nos: 206563, SC038693).
Kaynak: Arthritis Care
The organisation formerly known as Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC) is a British medical research charity dedicated to curing arthritis
Kaynak: Arthritis Research UK
Viral arthritis (poultry) : a reovirus infection of chicken s and turkey . Caprine arthritis and encephalitis : a retrovirus infection
Kaynak: Viral arthritis
Shoulder arthritis can be one of three types of arthritis in the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder. The glenohumeral joint is a ball-
Kaynak: Shoulder arthritis
toe) is a medical condition usually characterized by recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis —a red, tender, hot, swollen joint .
Kaynak: Gout

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