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astronomic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

astronomic anlamı
1) astronomik
2) çok yüksek
3) gökbilimsel

"astronomic" için örnek kullanımlar

First, Indonesia stands to gain from potentially astronomic tourism revenues.
Öncelikle, Endonezya potansiyel astronomik turizm gelirlerinden elde etmek için duruyor.
Kaynak: thejakartapost.com
No economic growth is a major problem amid higher spending and astronomic debts.
Hiçbir ekonomik büyüme daha yüksek harcama ve astronomik borçları ortasında büyük bir sorundur.
Kaynak: profi-forex.us
On the astronomic level, the universe became larger and larger.
Astronomik düzeyde, evrenin büyük ve daha büyük hale geldi.
Kaynak: nyunews.com
The past four years have seen astronomic government spending and deficit increases.
Geçtiğimiz dört yıl astronomik hükümet harcamaları ve bütçe açığı artar gördük.
Kaynak: minutemannewscenter.com
Huaca de Chena , also known as the Pucará de Chena, allegedly one promaucae fortress , rather an astronomic observatory and sacred Huaca
Kaynak: Huaca de Chena
For the astronomic or geodetic instruments directed to the zenith, see Zenith camera .: For other uses, see Zenit (disambiguation).
Kaynak: Zenit (camera)
Intihuatana is a ritual stone in South America associated with the astronomic clock or calendar of the Inca . Its name is derived from
Kaynak: Intihuatana
He is a specialist in the sphere of mathematical astronomic, space and statistical information processing of high and especially high
Kaynak: Joseph Dzhun
NAD83 longitude of the Capitol is about 1.1 arc seconds less than its NAD27 longitude; astronomic longitude there is about 4 arc seconds
Kaynak: Washington meridian
The entrance tickets to the Museum will surprise visitors as they will feature the astronomic dial of the Prague Astronomical Clock with
Kaynak: Kepler Museum
determine the course of the boundary between the two countries in the sector from the astronomic marker of Tong-Tong to the beginning of
Kaynak: Burkina Faso–Niger frontier dispute case, 2010
Planning, radial organization and astronomic alignments: In Cusco , the ushnu went ademàs a place destined to realize astronomic observations
Kaynak: Ushnu
Alignment with astronomic cycles. Alignment with biological cycles. Literal notation of dates. Historical reforms: with the astronomical year
Kaynak: Calendar reform

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