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atheist ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

atheist anlamı
1) ateist
2) Allah'a inanmayan kimse

"atheist" için örnek kullanımlar

I have always had a sneaking liking for magician and atheist Penn Jillette.
Ben her zaman büyücü ve ateist Penn Jillette gizli bir zevk oldu.
Kaynak: dfwcatholic.org
It is, so the reports say, the first atheist church in Britain.
Bu yüzden raporlar söylüyor, İngiltere'de ilk ateist kilisesidir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The biggest fight I have come across is Atheist vs Christian.
Ben rastlamak büyük mücadele Ateist vs Christian.
Kaynak: news24.com
At least one of them is incorrect, since Bohr was an atheist.
Bohr bir ateist olduğu için bunlardan en az biri, yanlıştır.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
"atheist" or "agnostic" were 6% of the total population in the US, and within the religiously unaffiliated (or "no religion") demographic,
Kaynak: Irreligion
During the French Revolution French society considered the prospect of an atheist state After the Revolution, Jacques Hébert , a radical
Kaynak: State atheism
Generally, atheism is valid in Hinduism , but some schools view the path of an atheist to be difficult to follow in matters of spirituality
Kaynak: Atheism in Hinduism
The Atheist's Wager is an atheistic response to Pascal's Wager regarding the existence of God . in religious and atheist literature since.
Kaynak: Atheist's Wager
Atheist Alliance International (AAI) is a global federation of atheist organisations and individuals, committed to educating the public
Kaynak: Atheist Alliance International
Public atheists : Chapman Cohen – leading English atheist, secularist writer and lecturer. Sam Harris – American author, philosopher, public
Kaynak: List of Jewish atheists

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