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audiocassette ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"audiocassette" için örnek kullanımlar

Consulting sketchy notes was quicker than transcribing from an audiocassette.
Kabataslak notlar Danışmanlık bir audiocassette gelen yazıya göre daha hızlı oldu.
Kaynak: independentmail.com
is an unauthorized Beatles compilation album released in 1987 in audiocassette format, as a joint promotional campaign by Heineken
Kaynak: Only The Beatles...
with Omoide Hatoba : Famicon Rally I-V audiocassette (1993) Mantako (Public Bath, 1994) Livers and Giggers: 1987-1993 (Japan Overseas, 1994
Kaynak: Seiichi Yamamoto
It was released by Audio Arts magazine only on audiocassette , initially in a limited edition of 300 copies, although many more were
Kaynak: 'The Masterwork' Award Winning Fish-Knife
RROs represent works distributed via mediums such as CD, audiocassette, or computer file rather than use of works in public settings.
Kaynak: Performance rights organisation
national recording company, the introduction of audiocassette recording technology in the 1960s gave rise to a robust industry of recorded music.
Kaynak: Indonesian popular music recordings
The personal stereo is the term given to a portable audio player using an audiocassette player . This allows the listening of music
Kaynak: Personal stereo
Beginning with the introduction of the audiocassette , through the home video revolution, and right up to the current digital and
Kaynak: International Recording Media Association
In 1989, the band released an audio album of the same name on vinyl LP , audiocassette , and compact disc . The video comprises an
Kaynak: A Show of Hands (video)

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