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bulwarks ne demek?

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bulwarks anlamı

"bulwarks" için örnek kullanımlar

That is striking since both are traditional bulwarks of conservatism.
Hem muhafazakârlığı geleneksel küpeşte olduğundan ise dikkat çekicidir.
Kaynak: economist.com
He called them "bulwarks against communist revolution."
Onlara denir "komünist devrime karşı küpeşte."
Kaynak: mathaba.net
This allowed us to work on and complete all the inner superstructure, bulwarks and scuppers.
Bu bize üzerinde çalışmak ve tüm iç üstyapı, küpeşte ve frengiler tamamlamak için izin verdi.
Kaynak: superyachttimes.com
Indeed, he later became one of America's greatest bulwarks in creating rapprochement with Germany.
Nitekim, daha sonra Almanya ile yakınlaşma yaratmak Amerika'nın en büyük kalelerinden biri haline geldi.
Kaynak: baltimoresun.com
JPG | Some of the first polygonal bulwarks that would define the trace italienne were built at Rhodes between 1486 and 1497 File:Map of
Kaynak: Bastion
waterway to the topside planking to drain water overboard, larger quantities drained through freeing ports, which were openings in the bulwarks.
Kaynak: Glossary of nautical terms
fife rail is a design element of the bulwarks of a European-style sailing ship used to belay the ship's halyards at the base of a mast
Kaynak: Fife rail
outposts at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century, in particular with the bulwarks of Cascais (1498) and São Vicente (1512).
Kaynak: Fort of São Sebastião de Caparica
interested in its strategical position; during Italian unification Casale has been one of the defensive bulwarks against the Austrian Empire .
Kaynak: Casale Monferrato
Henry's coastal defences ranged from earthen bulwarks to small blockhouses and artillery towers to state of the art Italianate style
Kaynak: Device Forts
The fortifications of Dokkum are well preserved and are known as the bolwerken ( bulwarks). File:Dokkum, stadhuis. jpg | Stadhuis, the town
Kaynak: Dokkum
a few earthworks and blockhouse , but it was James I of England who ordered the construction of a square fort with bulwarks at each corner.
Kaynak: Landguard Fort
The gates were surrounded by bulwarks made of earth, used to mount artillery . The castle was 'obliterated' by the 19th century arrival
Kaynak: Northampton Castle
She was protected with thick wooden bulwarks . On the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers: Tyler served in the Western Flotilla from June 1861 to
Kaynak: USS Tyler (1857)
the decks not being strong enough to carry naval guns and the bulwarks not being high enough to provide enough protection for the gun crews.
Kaynak: USS Hamilton (1809)
London, Charles de Marillac , heard of this and reported to Francis I of France that the 'German' engineer had gone to design new bulwarks.
Kaynak: Stefan von Haschenperg
Lima against attacks from pirates and privateer s They included 34 bulwarks and eleven gates (ten at the city and one at the other side of
Kaynak: Walls of Lima

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