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empathy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

empathy anlamı
1) empati
2) başkasının duygularını anlama

"empathy" için örnek kullanımlar

Ravitz: Writing with empathy, resisting fluff, and making a difference.
Ravitz:, empati ile yazma kabartmak direnerek ve bir fark yaratmak.
Kaynak: cachevalleydaily.com
Monday's letters page appeared to have a theme of empathy and vulnerability.
Pazartesi günkü mektupları sayfası empati ve güvenlik açığı bir tema ortaya çıktı.
Kaynak: calgaryherald.com
Empathy, Freedom, Saying No: An Indian Perspective on Palestine.
Empati, Özgürlük, No Saying: Filistin'de Bir Hint Perspektif.
Kaynak: bu.edu
Is it because those who act are graced with a sense of empathy?
Hareket edenlere empati duygusu ile süslemekte olan için mi?
Kaynak: tribune.com.pk
Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another sentient or fictional being. amount of empathy before
Kaynak: Empathy
Primates and in particular great apes are candidates for highly developed capabilities for empathy and theories of mind . Great apes
Kaynak: Emotion in animals
Pain empathy is a specific subgroup of empathy that involves recognizing and understanding another person's pain. Empathy is the mental
Kaynak: Pain empathy
A hot-cold empathy gap is a cognitive bias in which a person underestimates the influences of visceral drives, and instead attributes
Kaynak: Empathy gap
Ethnocultural empathy refers to the understanding of feeling s of individuals that are ethnically and/or culturally different from ones'
Kaynak: Ethnocultural empathy
Spatial empathy is the awareness that an individual has to the proximity, activities, and comfort of people surrounding them.
Kaynak: Spatial empathy
Linguistic empathy in theoretical linguistics is the “point of view” in an anaphoric utterance by which a participant is bound with or in
Kaynak: Linguistic empathy
(S). It measures a person's strength of interest in empathy (defined as the drive to identify a person's thoughts and feelings and to
Kaynak: Empathizing–systemizing theory
The simulation theory is not primarily a theory of empathy, but rather a theory of how we understand others—that we do so by way of a kind
Kaynak: Simulation theory of empathy
Empathy has long been a subject of communications research. indicated that regardless of the source of empathy, its existence predicts that
Kaynak: Empathy in media research
Compassion is the understanding or empathy for the suffering of others. It is regarded as a fundamental part of human love , and a
Kaynak: Compassion

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