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formative ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

formative anlamı
1) biçimlendirici
2) geliştirici
3) şekillendiren
4) gelişme
5) oluşmaya ait
6) gelişebilir
7) sözcük kökünü geliştirebilir
1) takı
2) ek

"formative" için örnek kullanımlar

During the formative years of the foundry, the Hoopers learned their craft.
Dökümhane biçimlendirici yıllar boyunca, Hoopers onların zanaat öğrendim.
Kaynak: louisianapressjournal.com
Wade Boggs was born in Omaha but spent his formative years in Florida.
Wade Boggs Omaha doğdu ancak Florida onun biçimlendirici yıl geçirdi.
Kaynak: philly.com
Spike's book presents nuanced look at Michelangelo's formative years.
Spike kitabı Michelangelo'nun biçimlendirici yıllar itibariyle nüanslı görünüm sunuyor.
Kaynak: wm.edu
It's not so much an origin story as it is a view into Batman's formative years.
Bu Batman biçimlendirici yıllar içine bir görünüm olduğu gibi çok bir köken hikayesi değil.
Kaynak: asianage.com
In Hebrew , the letters which form these prefixes are called "formative letters" (Hebrew : אוֹתִיּוֹת הַשִּׁמּוּשׁ, Otiyot HaShimush).
Kaynak: Prefixes in Hebrew
"vis essentialis", an organizing, formative force, and declared "All believers in epigenesis are Vitalists." Carl Reichenbach later
Kaynak: Vitalism
posited that traumatic life events such as parental divorce during the formative period of late adolescence portend lifelong effects on
Kaynak: Adolescence
Initial, formative and summative: Assessment is often divided into initial, formative, and summative categories for the purpose of
Kaynak: Educational assessment
Church discipline comes in two types: formative and corrective. Formative discipline, or discipleship , seeks to help form the character
Kaynak: Church discipline
The International Style is a major architectural style that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, the formative decades of Modern architecture
Kaynak: International Style (architecture)
The test may also be used for diagnostic assessment to identify any weaknesses and then build on that using formative assessment .
Kaynak: Summative assessment
Criticism of Islam has existed since Islam 's formative stages. Early written criticism came from Christian s, prior to the ninth century
Kaynak: Criticism of Islam
The Duchy of Franconia was one of the stem duchies of East Francia during the formative period of the Germany and the Holy Roman Empire
Kaynak: Duchy of Franconia

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