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geomagnetism ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

geomagnetism anlamı
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"geomagnetism" için örnek kullanımlar

The history of geomagnetism is concerned with the history of the study of Earth's magnetic field . It encompasses the history of
Kaynak: History of geomagnetism
He studied geomagnetism . He won the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1987. VIAF 62790516 NAME Nagata, Takeshi | ALTERNATIVE
Kaynak: Takeshi Nagata
who made notable contributions to the physics of the Sun and Moon ; to geomagnetism and meteorology ; and to the physics of the ionosphere .
Kaynak: Julius Bartels
The IGY encompassed eleven Earth science s: aurora and airglow , cosmic ray s, geomagnetism , gravity , ionospheric physics , longitude
Kaynak: International Geophysical Year
glaciology , geomagnetism , geology , biology , radio wave propagation, pollution studies and also on physical, chemical, biological,
Kaynak: First Indian Expedition to Antarctica
its academic functions, the EOST is also a geophysical observatory (gravimetry , geodesy , seismology , geomagnetism ), and has two museums
Kaynak: Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre
particularly the geomagnetism The objectives of this program is to monitor the mathematical variation in the South Asian regional
Kaynak: Geomagnetic Field Monitoring Program of SUPARCO
It was a small, spheroidal satellite designed to study trapped radiation of various energies, galactic cosmic ray s, geomagnetism , radio
Kaynak: Explorer 6

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