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inadvisability ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inadvisability anlamı
1) makul olmama
2) akla yatkın olmama
3) tavsiye edilememe

"inadvisability" için örnek kullanımlar

There's discussion about the inadvisability of going garlicky or spicy hot for a meal of seduction.
Baştan bir yemek için sarımsak ya da baharatlı sıcak gidiş tavsiye edilememe ile ilgili tartışma var.
Kaynak: mercurynews.com
Exposition he published in an American journal the independence aspiration of the Filipinos , realizing the inadvisability of the statehood plan.
Kaynak: Juan Sumulong
Safety concerns have been associated with running high-speed railcars on old track network, with the inadvisability of reversing the
Kaynak: Schienenzeppelin
For the inadvisability of writing autobiographies on Wikipedia see WP:Autobiography File:Memoirs of Franklin. jpg | Cover of the first
Kaynak: Autobiography
For the inadvisability of writing autobiographies on Wikipedia see WP:Autobiography. An autobiography is a book or other work about the life
Kaynak: Autobiography (disambiguation)
to Roman Catholics than to any feelings about the impropriety or inadvisability of burning heretics and seeing that heresy still survived, “
Kaynak: Edward Wightman
This field was for the training of young men who would later need to urge the “advisability or inadvisability” of measures affecting the
Kaynak: Education in Ancient Rome
adapted for the use of children In it he demonstrates the inadvisability of spinning out Aesop's pithy telling in tedious modern detail
Kaynak: Washing the Ethiopian white
Failure of the flightcrew to discontinue the approach into Cali, despite numerous cues alerting them of the inadvisability of continuing
Kaynak: American Airlines Flight 965
the inadvisability of being satisfied with providing requisites for monks without asking oneself if one also experiences the joy that is
Kaynak: Anathapindika
In 1927 the inadvisability of matching the larger more elaborate trend became apparent and the 9 hp Fulham with fabric body was introduced
Kaynak: Standard Motor Company
Thus, while still failing to accept the inadvisability of raising the issue of merging the two air reserve components, General LeMay had
Kaynak: Continental Air Command
and a great inadvisability to deviate from them Noting "the depths of misery into which peoples have been cast" when ambitious leaders
Kaynak: Pierre-Simon Laplace

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