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infantryman ne demek?

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infantryman anlamı
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"infantryman" için örnek kullanımlar

He was a paratrooper and, more dangerously, an infantryman.
O, daha çok tehlikeli bir şekilde, bir infantryman bir paraşütçü oldu.
Kaynak: auburnpub.com
He's lucky he's a tennis player, and not an infantryman.
O bir tenisçi değil, bir piyade var şanslı.
Kaynak: tennis.com
"Dogface" proved prophetic: The word became slang for the U.S. infantryman during World War II.
"Dogface" kehanet kanıtladı: Kelime Dünya Savaşı sırasında ABD infantryman için argo oldu.
Kaynak: blogs.commercialappeal.com
Christopher R. Norwood, infantryman, 2nd LAR.
Christopher R. Norwood, piyade, LAR 2.
Kaynak: dvidshub.net
The infantryman himself, with or without his personal weapon, is considered a weapon system. Infantrymen are easily distinguished from
Kaynak: Infantry
One primary account of the typical infantryman came from James Gall, a representative of the United States Sanitary Commission , who
Kaynak: Infantry in the American Civil War
The CAB may be awarded to any branch of service or military occupational specialty including infantryman except when serving in a role
Kaynak: Combat Action Badge
A spiculum is a late Roman spear that replaced the pilum as the infantryman's main throwing javelin around AD 250. Scholars suppose that
Kaynak: Spiculum
It is still widely used as a term of endearment for the French infantry of World War I. The word carries the sense of the infantryman's
Kaynak: Poilu
png | alt An infantryman in khaki uniform and steel helmet, a rifle slung on his back, stands atop a platform mounted above two counter-
Kaynak: De Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle
Kern was a Gaelic soldier, specifically a light infantryman in Ireland during the Middle Ages . Etymology: The word kern is an
Kaynak: Kern (soldier)
François Macquard or François Macquart (1738–1801) joined the French royal army as an infantryman, fought in the Seven Years War , and rose
Kaynak: Francois Macquard
Frank Edgar Evans (19 November 1876 – 25 November 1941) served as an infantryman in the Spanish-American War , and was commissioned in the
Kaynak: Frank Evans

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