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infatuation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

infatuation anlamı
1) vurulma
2) sevdalanma
3) delicesine aşık olma
4) karasevdaya düşme

"infatuation" için örnek kullanımlar

However, Mark has had a secret infatuation with Jesse during that time.
Ancak, Mark o esnada Jesse ile gizli bir karasevda olmuştur.
Kaynak: prnewswire.com
There's a part of Westie that now has an infatuation with Abbott's ideology.
Şimdi Abbott ideolojisi ile infatuation var Westie bir parçası var.
Kaynak: dailytelegraph.com.au
If the infatuation isn't reciprocated, the lists never see the light of day.
Infatuation karşılıklıdır değilse, listeleri gün ışığını göremeyeceksin.
Kaynak: heraldsun.com.au
The retail industry is nursing a growing infatuation with technology.
Perakende sektörü teknoloji ile büyüyen bir karasevda hemşirelik.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Limerence is sometimes also interpreted as infatuation , or what is colloquially known as a "crush"; but in common speech, infatuation
Kaynak: Limerence
Puppy love (also known as simple infatuation, a crush, calf love, or kitten love) is an informal term for feelings of love , romance , or
Kaynak: Puppy love
Daphne Laureola is a play by James Bridie about a young Polish refugee's infatuation with a middle-aged English woman. Productions
Kaynak: Daphne Laureola

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