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infiltration ne demek?

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"infiltration" için örnek kullanımlar

But she said the agency was less concerned about infiltration in the lendi
Ama ajans Lendl infiltrasyon konusunda daha az kaygı olduğunu söyledi
Kaynak: cnbc.com
Solo plans to use an upcoming festival to cover for his infiltration.
Yalnız onun infiltrasyon kapsayacak şekilde yaklaşan bir festivali kullanmayı planlıyor.
Kaynak: newsok.com
The audit also will find structural leaks, air infiltration and poor insulation.
Denetim, aynı zamanda yapısal sızıntı, hava infiltrasyonu ve kötü yalıtımı bulacaksınız.
Kaynak: thenewsherald.com
But the fat one in the blue shirt looks suspicious, could be a Skopian infiltration.
Ama mavi gömlekli şişman biri şüpheli görünüyor, bir Skopian infiltrasyonu olabilir.
Kaynak: greece.greekreporter.com
In war fare, infiltration tactics involve small, lightly equipped infantry forces attacking enemy rear areas while bypassing enemy front
Kaynak: Infiltration tactics
Spies may be given other roles that also require infiltration, such as sabotage . Many governments routinely spy on their allies as well as
Kaynak: Espionage
An infiltration basin (also known as a recharge basin or in some areas, a sump ), is a type of best management practice (BMP) that is used
Kaynak: Infiltration basin
Marxist s argue that entryism flows from the "demands of the class struggle"date November 2012, others allege it is more akin to infiltration.
Kaynak: Entryism
The stated aim of the fence is to stop infiltration of terrorists, prevent smuggling, and to bring a close to illegal immigration from
Kaynak: Illegal entry
1948-56: Border wars and "infiltration" : Retribution operations. Palestinian infiltration refers to numerous border-crossings by Palestinians
Kaynak: Palestinian immigration (Israel)
An infiltration gallery is a structure including perforated conduits in gravel to expedite transfer of water to or from a soil aquifer .
Kaynak: Infiltration gallery
Cellular infiltration is migration of cells from their sources of origin, or direct extension of cells as a result of unusual growth and
Kaynak: Cellular infiltration
Chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) is a variant on Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). CVD implies deposition onto a surface, whereas CVI
Kaynak: Chemical vapor infiltration

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