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intoxicant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intoxicant anlamı
1) sarhoş edici
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"intoxicant" için örnek kullanımlar

Every band is releasing an intoxicant these days.
Her grubun bu gün bir sarhoş edici yayınladı.
Kaynak: gunshyassassin.com
Manning, of Montpelier Gardens, Dublin 7, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of an intoxicant on November 8, 2012.
Montpelier Gardens, Dublin 7 Manning, 8 Kasım 2012 tarihinde bir sarhoş edici etkisi altında sürüş için suçunu kabul etti.
Kaynak: herald.ie
So back to our drivers, and the issue many mothers are now concerned about: children having a new intoxicant to afflict their driving skills.
Yani geri sürücüler ve sorun birçok anne artık endişe: yeni bir sarhoş olan çocukların kendi sürüş becerilerini etkileyecek.
Kaynak: o.canada.com
Legal intoxicants are intoxicating drug s which are not prohibited by drug laws . The most commonly used intoxicant is alcohol but many
Kaynak: Legal intoxicant
Mary Joy (styled as M@ry Joy) is the brand name of a distributor of legal intoxicant s which are marked "strictly not for human consumption
Kaynak: Mary Joy
The Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which used intoxicant s and other trance-inducing techniques (like
Kaynak: Dionysian Mysteries
Nihang Sikhs of Punjab, who are defenders of historic Sikh shrines are an exception and consume an intoxicant called bhang (cannabis ) to
Kaynak: Prohibitions in Sikhism
alcoholism , and to improve athletic performance It is also used as an intoxicant (illegally in many jurisdictions) or as a date rape drug .
Kaynak: Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid
being stoned or blazed (all usually in reference to cannabis), with many more specific slang terms for each particular type of intoxicant.
Kaynak: Substance intoxication
The Quran does not directly forbid cannabis; however, cannabis is deemed to be khamr (an intoxicant) by many religious scholars and
Kaynak: Religious and spiritual use of cannabis
exposure to poison s or intoxicant s), insufficient oxygen or blood flow in the brain, and excessive pressure within the skull . -
Kaynak: Altered level of consciousness
In humans it acts as a prodrug for GHB , and it is used as a recreational intoxicant with effects similar to alcohol. Occurrence
Kaynak: Gamma-Butyrolactone

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