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iron ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

iron anlamı
1) demir
2) ütü
3) golf sopası
4) zincir
5) güç
1) demir
2) demirden yapılmış
3) demir gibi
4) sıkı
5) güçlü
6) sert
7) sapasağlam
8) turp gibi
1) ütülemek
2) demir kaplamak
3) zincire vurmak
4) prangalamak

"iron" için örnek kullanımlar

Driving the production boost figured iron ore and diamonds.
Üretimi artırmak Sürüş demir cevheri ve elmas düşündüm.
Kaynak: mining.com
EVEN keen observers of the commodities boom rarely look beyond crude oil, iron ore, coal and copper.
Emtia patlaması BİLE keskin gözlemci nadiren ham petrol, demir cevheri, kömür ve bakır ötesine bakmak.
Kaynak: economist.com
The water probably reacts with reduced iron compounds, such as olivine, in the basalt and releases hydrogen.
Su muhtemelen bazalt ve hidrojeni böyle olivin gibi indirgenmiş demir bileşikleri, ile reaksiyona girer.
Kaynak: eurekalert.org
Iron ores are rocks and mineral s from which metal lic iron can be economically extracted. The ore s are usually rich in iron oxide s
Kaynak: Iron ore
The Iron Age is that period generally occurring after the Bronze Age , marked by the prevalent use of iron. widespread use of iron or steel .
Kaynak: Iron Age
Wrought iron is an iron alloy with a very low carbon content in contrast to cast iron , and has fibrous inclusions , known as slag .
Kaynak: Wrought iron
Cast iron is iron or a ferrous alloy which has been heated until it liquefies, and is then poured into a mould to solidify.
Kaynak: Cast iron
Iron oxides are chemical compound s composed of iron and oxygen . All together, there are sixteen known iron oxide s and oxyhydroxides
Kaynak: Iron oxide
By the end of the 2nd millennium BC iron was being produced from iron ore s from South of the Saharan Africa to China The use of wrought
Kaynak: Ferrous metallurgy
Pig iron is the intermediate product of smelting iron ore with a high-carbon fuel such as coke , usually with limestone as a flux .
Kaynak: Pig iron
Iron meteorites are meteorites that consist overwhelmingly of an iron –nickel alloy known as meteoric iron that usually consists of two
Kaynak: Iron meteorite
An ironworks or iron works is a building or site where iron is smelted and where heavy iron and/or steel products are made.
Kaynak: Ironworks
Human iron metabolism is the set of chemical reactions maintaining human homeostasis of iron. interested in the system of iron metabolism
Kaynak: Human iron metabolism
A clothing iron, also called a flatiron or simply an iron, is a small appliance : a handheld piece of equipment with a flat, roughly
Kaynak: Clothes iron
In medicine , iron overload indicates accumulation of iron in the body from any cause. and transfusional iron overload , which can result
Kaynak: Iron overload
Iron(II) sulfate (Br. E. iron(II) sulphate) or ferrous sulfate is the chemical compound with the formula Fe SO sub 4/sub . treat iron
Kaynak: Iron(II) sulfate
Corrugated galvanised iron (colloquially corrugated iron or pailing (in Caribbean English), commonly abbreviated CGI) is a building
Kaynak: Corrugated galvanised iron

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