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ironic ne demek?

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ironic anlamı
1) ironik
2) alaycı
3) alaylı
4) ters anlamlı

"ironic" için örnek kullanımlar

Also, the late '80s electric groove line seems almost too ironic to exist.
Ayrıca, 80'lerin elektrik oluk hattı var neredeyse çok ironik görünüyor.
Kaynak: ames247.com
It just so happens that LG has owned ad space on the ironic Square for 20 years.
Sadece bu yüzden LG 20 yıldır ironik Meydanı'nda reklam alanı sahibi olan o olur.
Kaynak: thenextweb.com
The drugstore checkout line seems ironic: I'm waiting in line to give you money?
Eczaneye çıkış hattı ironik görünüyor: Sana para vermek doğrultusunda bekliyorum?
Kaynak: mashable.com
That it comes 10 years nearly to the day since the SARS outbreak is an ironic bonus.
SARS salgını ironik bir bonus beri neredeyse gün 10 yıl geliyor.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Ironic statements (verbal irony are statements that imply a meaning in opposition to their literal meaning. considered to be ironic
Kaynak: Irony
Ironomyiidae or ironic flies, are a small family of insect s of the order Diptera . Historically they have been included in the family
Kaynak: Ironomyiidae
Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a
Kaynak: List of unusual deaths
Badge engineering (ironic term) or rebadging (neutral term) is applying a different brand or trademark to an existing model of product
Kaynak: Badge engineering
Examples of post-ironic artwork include South African band Die Antwoord and the Werner Herzog film Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New
Kaynak: Post-irony
Piero Manzoni (July 13, 1933 – February 6, 1963) was an Italian artist best known for his ironic conceptual art . Influenced by the work
Kaynak: Piero Manzoni
ultimately rewarded or vice punished , often in modern literature by an ironic twist of fate intimately related to the character's own conduct
Kaynak: Poetic justice
"Parktown prawn" is an ironic common name for Libanasidus vittatus, a species of king cricket endemic to Southern Africa .
Kaynak: Parktown prawn
The numerous ironic review s for this on Amazon.com have become an Internet phenomenon . The T-shirt was designed by artist Antonia
Kaynak: Three Wolf Moon
The song is ironic as it was written about an individual living in County Cork who was not a heroic figure. date December 2010 It was
Kaynak: Thady Quill

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