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irreducible ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irreducible anlamı
1) indirgenemez
2) azaltılamaz

"irreducible" için örnek kullanımlar

The irreducible quality of Leviathan is enough to drive people crazy.
Leviathan indirgenemez kaliteli insanlar delirtmeye yeter.
Kaynak: gawker.com
Even the doyenne of social media knows that there is an irreducible minimum of Face .
Sosyal medya bile duayen Yüz bir indirgenemez asgari olduğunu bilir.
Kaynak: salon.com
Flugelman began using simple, irreducible geometric solids, such as the pyramid, tetrahedron, cube, cone and sphere.
Flugelman gibi piramit, tetrahedron, küp, koni ve küre gibi basit, indirgenemez geometrik katı, kullanmaya başladı.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
"The government of Kazakhstan is going to continue the policy of accumulating assets in the National Fund considering the irreducible residue at a rate of 20 per cent of the expected value of GDP," he said.
"Kazakistan hükümeti GSYİH beklenen değerinin yüzde 20 oranında indirgenemez kalıntı dikkate Ulusal Fon biriken varlıkların politikası devam edecek," dedi.
Kaynak: en.trend.az
In mathematics , the concept of irreducibility is used in several ways. In abstract algebra , irreducible can be an abbreviation for
Kaynak: Irreducibility (mathematics)
In mathematics , a polynomial is said to be irreducible if it cannot be factored into the product of two or more non-trivial polynomials
Kaynak: Irreducible polynomial
In mathematics , the concept of irreducible component is used to make formal the idea that a set such as defined by the equation:
Kaynak: Irreducible component
In abstract algebra , a non-zero non- unit element in an integral domain is said to be irreducible if it is not a product of two non-units
Kaynak: Irreducible element
An irreducible fraction (or fraction in lowest terms or reduced form) is a vulgar fraction in which the numerator and denominator are
Kaynak: Irreducible fraction
In mathematics , especially in the field of ring theory , the term irreducible ring is used in a few different ways. irreducible ring is
Kaynak: Irreducible ring
In mathematics , an ideal of a commutative ring is said to be irreducible if it cannot be written as a finite intersection of ideals
Kaynak: Irreducible ideal
Subrepresentations, quotients, and irreducible representations: Irreducible (mathematics) | simple module If (W,ψ) is a representation of (say
Kaynak: Representation theory
Algebraic sets are sometimes also called algebraic varieties, but normally an algebraic variety is an irreducible algebraic set, i.e.
Kaynak: Algebraic variety
An irreducible set is a subset of a topological space for which the subspace topology is irreducible. empty set to be irreducible (even
Kaynak: Hyperconnected space
group representation of G is a left module over the group ring k G. The simple k G modules are also known as irreducible representations.
Kaynak: Simple module
Finally, a Markov chain is said to be irreducible if its state space is a single communicating class; in other words, if it is possible to
Kaynak: Markov chain
1 irreducible 1 A scheme X is said to be irreducible when (as a topological space) it is not the union of two closed subsets except if
Kaynak: Glossary of scheme theory
representation is said to be irreducible; if it has a proper subrepresentation of nonzero dimension, the representation is said to be reducible.
Kaynak: Group representation
A similar notion is that of an irreducible n-manifold, which is one in which any embedded (n − 1)-sphere bounds an embedded n-ball .
Kaynak: Prime manifold
If P is a prime 3-manifold then either it is S 2 × S 1 or the non-orientable S 2 bundle over S 1,or it is irreducible , which means that
Kaynak: Prime decomposition (3-manifold)
For example, it was once believed that life was an irreducible property of objects . An ontology of such properties might therefore have
Kaynak: Reduction (philosophy)

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