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kelpie ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

kelpie anlamı
1) at şeklinde deniz perisi
2) çoban köpeği

"kelpie" için örnek kullanımlar

Bridgeport High School, along with Vintage Theatre Company, hosted a fundraiser production of "To Kill a Kelpie."
Vintage Theatre Company ile birlikte Bridgeport Lisesi, bir bağış üretim barındırılan "Bir Kelpie öldürmek için."
Kaynak: wboy.com
But just as the colonies started to shuffle towards Federation, along came the kelpie, our own mild colonial sheepdog.
Koloniler Federasyon doğru karıştırmak başladı gibi Ancak, birlikte çoban köpeği, kendi hafif sömürge çoban geldi.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
The kelpie is a supernatural water horse from Celtic folklore that is believed to haunt the rivers and loch s of Scotland and Ireland;
Kaynak: Kelpie
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , the kelpie is a type of plant creature. Publication history: The kelpie first
Kaynak: Kelpie (Dungeons & Dragons)
author Bengt Sjögren (1980), present day beliefs in lake monster s such as the Loch Ness Monster are associated with the old legends of kelpie s.
Kaynak: Loch Ness Monster
It is similar to the kelpie , but far more vicious. The each-uisge, a supernatural water horse found in the Highlands of Scotland, is
Kaynak: Each-uisge
Since the Scandinavian version can transform himself into a horse-like kelpie , he is also called Bäckahästen (the "brook horse").
Kaynak: Neck (water spirit)
August 1941) was a stray male kelpie who became notable for his reliability to accurately alert allied airforce personnel that Japanese
Kaynak: Gunner (dog)

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