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lactometer ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

lactometer anlamı
1) laktometre

"lactometer" için örnek kullanımlar

Hydrometers may be calibrated for different uses, such as a lactometer for measuring the density (creaminess) of milk, a saccharometer for
Kaynak: Hydrometer
lactometer | specific gravity of milk | light meter | light (in photography) | Lux meter | intensity of light | magnetometer |
Kaynak: List of measuring devices
emanating from the gas houses, and opposed its action in adopting the "lactometer with the senses" as the sole means of testing the purity of milk.
Kaynak: Robert Ogden Doremus
Milk certified as pure with a lactometer was called degree milk owing to a mistaken association with the thermometer . Coffee prepared
Kaynak: Indian filter coffee
Innovations in lactometer design and a for estimation of SNF in milk to suit Indian conditions. Test kit for detection of various
Kaynak: National Dairy Research Institute
After breaking the Tatarinov's lactometer, getting into a fight with Katya over that, and Katya's taking the blame, they become fast
Kaynak: The Two Captains

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