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mediaeval ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

mediaeval anlamı
1) ortaçağ
2) ortaçağa ait

"mediaeval" için örnek kullanımlar

It survived through the classical age, and into the mediaeval period.
Bu klasik çağ boyunca, ve ortaçağ dönemine kadar sürdü.
Kaynak: blogs.telegraph.co.uk
I once believed that only people with mediaeval mindsets would consume this dish.
Bir keresinde ortaçağ zihniyetine sahip kişiler bu yemeğin tüketmek inanıyordu.
Kaynak: bangkokpost.com
We went there because we had friends living in the almost mediaeval medina in Fez.
Biz Fez neredeyse ortaçağ Medine yaşayan arkadaşlar vardı çünkü biz oraya gittim.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
Enter scary voiceover that would be more appropriate narrating a BBC documentary about mediaeval battles.
Ortaçağ savaşları hakkında bir BBC belgesel köprülerini daha uygun olurdu korkutucu dublaj girin.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Of greater sophistication was the motet , which developed from the clausula genre of mediaeval plainchant and would become the most
Kaynak: Medieval music
The Mediaeval Stone Building is an unidentified mediaeval ruin on Much Park Street, Coventry , in the West Midlands of England.
Kaynak: Mediaeval Stone Building, Coventry
Northumbria (Norþanhymbra / Norþhymbre) was a mediaeval kingdom of the Angles , in what is now Northern England and South-East Scotland
Kaynak: Northumbria

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