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overlay ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

overlay anlamı
1) kaplama
2) örtü
3) üst ek sayfa
1) yüklemek
2) bindirmek
3) üstünü kaplamak
4) üzerine sürmek
5) fazla yüklemek

"overlay" için örnek kullanımlar

So you can get a good idea of the acreage overlay from the Mancos/Niobrara.
Yani Mancos / Niobrara gelen dönüm bindirme iyi bir fikir edinebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Some streets would receive an overlay, or a fresh layer of asphalt.
Bazı sokaklar bir bindirme veya asfalt taze bir tabaka alacak.
Kaynak: caller.com
The contractor has additional sidewalk work and final pavement overlay to complete.
Yükleniciden ilave kaldırım çalışmaları ve tamamlamak için son kaldırım kaplama vardır.
Kaynak: mercurynews.com
Overlay that adjustment, and the right level for the S&P 500 would be nearer 1,220.
Ayarı ve S & P 500 için doğru seviyede 1,220 yakın olacağını Overlay.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
In telephony , especially in North America , an overlay plan is the practice of introducing a new area code by applying it onto a
Kaynak: Overlay plan
An overlay network is a computer network which is built on the top of another network. Node s in the overlay can be thought of as being
Kaynak: Overlay network
Video overlay is any technique used to display a video window on a computer display while bypassing the chain of CPU - graphics card -
Kaynak: Video overlay
Map overlay: The combination of several spatial datasets (points, lines, or polygons ) creates a new output vector dataset, visually similar
Kaynak: Geographic information system
In operating system s, an overlay is the act of a process replacing itself with the code of another program. On Unix-like systems, this
Kaynak: Overlay (operating system)
A Heritage Overlay or HO is one of a number of planning scheme overlay s contained in the Victorian Planning Provisions , for use in
Kaynak: Heritage Overlay
In computing , hardware overlay, a type of video overlay , provides a method of rendering an image to a display screen with a dedicated
Kaynak: Hardware overlay
An overlay keyboard is a specialized keyboard with no pre-set keys. Each key can be programmed with a wide range of different functions.
Kaynak: Overlay keyboard
Currency overlay is a financial trading strategy or method conducted by specialist firms who manage the currency exposures of large clients
Kaynak: Currency overlay
An overlay journal or overlay ejournal is a term for a specific type of open access academic journal , almost always an online electronic
Kaynak: Overlay journal
Device configuration overlay (DCO) is a hidden area on many of today's hard disk drive s (HDDs). Usually when information is stored in
Kaynak: Device configuration overlay
An overlay is a poker term generally used to describe the gap between a poker tournament's guaranteed prize pool and the actual prize
Kaynak: Overlay (poker)

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