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paintbox ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

paintbox anlamı
1) boya kutusu
2) makyaj kutusu

"paintbox" için örnek kullanımlar

He's still embracing the power of flat 2D images and letting us know he'll be artfully including that viewpoint as part of his paintbox.
Hâlâ düz 2D görüntülerin gücünü kucaklayan ve bize o ustaca yaptığı makyaj kutusu parçası olarak bu bakış açısı da dahil olacak haberiniz var.
Kaynak: awardsdaily.com
Paintbox brights provided a complete colour contrast as bright yellow bodycons, shocking red separates and monochrome stripes were shown.
Paintbox brights parlak sarı bodycons gibi tam bir renk kontrastı sağlanan, şok edici kırmızı ayırır ve tek renkli çizgiler gösterildi.
Kaynak: handbag.com
She first painted under her father's supervision at age 6 and would later recall being given a paintbox to use while working alongside him
Kaynak: Mercedes Matter
He went to Mexico to get a better idea about bullfighting, but forgot to take a sketchbook or paintbox, so he found himself using words to
Kaynak: The Brave Bulls
It featured a unique style of talking to the camera, paintbox graphics and animation and fantasies. He also served as director on Bill Nye,
Kaynak: Mitchell Kriegman

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