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pantheist ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pantheist anlamı
1) panteist

"pantheist" için örnek kullanımlar

The term was also used by Irish writer John Toland in his 1705 work Socinianism Truly Stated, by a pantheist that described pantheism as
Kaynak: Naturalistic pantheism
The Amalrician heresy was a pantheist belief named after Amalric of Bena . The beliefs are thought to have influenced the Brethren of the
Kaynak: Amalrician
describe themselves as humanist , agnostic , deist , atheist , pagan , christian , monotheist , pantheist , polytheist , or assume no label at all.
Kaynak: Unitarian Universalism
Some assessments suggest that Bruno's ideas about the universe played a smaller role in his trial than his pantheist beliefs, which
Kaynak: Giordano Bruno
This argument is refuted when an Islamic pantheist explains how the argument that was made by the non-Islamic Pantheist goes against
Kaynak: Islamic pantheism
Toland identified himself as a pantheist in his publication Socinianism Truly Stated, by a pantheist in 1705. At the time when he wrote
Kaynak: John Toland
and inertia Often the concept is associated with God 's will in a pantheist view of Nature The concept may be broken up into separate
Kaynak: Conatus
After Emerson's "Divinity School Address " in 1838, whose radical pantheist ideas greatly displeased many of the University faculty, Ware
Kaynak: Henry Ware, Jr.
His The Creed of the Buddha (1908) is well known; he also wrote a pantheist text All is One: A Plea for a Higher Pantheism.
Kaynak: Edmond Holmes
Paul Harrison (pantheist), environmentalist. Paul Harrison (racing driver) Paul Carter Harrison , American playwright and professor
Kaynak: Paul Harrison

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