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presupposition ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

presupposition anlamı
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"presupposition" için örnek kullanımlar

Doubt in our climes come with the presupposition of foul play.
Bizim iklimlerde Doubt cinayet varsayım ile birlikte gelir.
Kaynak: thisdaylive.com
In this case, my presupposition was that public space is an important part of cultural life.
Bu durumda, benim varsayım kamusal alan kültürel hayatın önemli bir parçası oldu.
Kaynak: onlinesentinel.com
Everyone has this presupposition of sophistication about the Oscars and, therefore, this unrealistic idea that the host should follow suit.
Herkes Oscar hakkında sofistike Bu varsayım ve, bu nedenle, ana takım takip etmesi bu gerçekçi bir fikri vardır.
Kaynak: utdailybeacon.com
Examined in more detail, Mahindra's plan is based on the presupposition that Ssangyong Motors will reach annual sales of 300,000 cars in 2016.
Daha ayrıntılı olarak incelendiğinde, Mahindra planı Ssangyong Motors, 2016 yılında 300.000 araç yıllık satış ulaşacağı varsayım dayanmaktadır.
Kaynak: english.hani.co.kr
In the branch of linguistics known as pragmatics , a presupposition (or ps) is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief
Kaynak: Presupposition
In linguistics, a presupposition of a statement is a proposition which must be true in order for the statement to make sense.
Kaynak: Presupposition (disambiguation)
Presuppositionalists compare their presupposition against other ultimate standards such as reason , empirical experience , and subjective
Kaynak: Presuppositional apologetics
contradiction (performativer Widerspruch) arises when the proposition al content of a statement contradicts the presupposition s of asserting it.
Kaynak: Performative contradiction
Entailment also differs from presupposition in that in presupposition, the truth of what one is presupposing is taken for granted.
Kaynak: Entailment (pragmatics)
Anti-Supernaturalism is a philosophical presupposition that claims one should, on principle , avoid any belief or explanation that
Kaynak: Anti-supernaturalism
A suggestive question is one that implies that a certain answer should be given in response or falsely presents a presupposition in the
Kaynak: Suggestive question
Crossover, sometimes referred to as cross-pollination, is a philosophical presupposition of Liberal arts , Great books , and Integrative
Kaynak: Educational crossover
question, multiple question or plurium interrogationum (Latin , "of many questions") is a question that has a presupposition that is complex.
Kaynak: Complex question

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