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rubella ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

rubella anlamı
1) kızamıkçık

"rubella" için örnek kullanımlar

Students must be immunized against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps and rubella.
Öğrenciler tetanoz, difteri, çocuk felci, kızamık, kabakulak ve kızamıkçık aşısı olmalıdır.
Kaynak: cambridgetimes.ca
Mumps is rarely seen because of the widespread use of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine given to children.
Kabakulak nadiren nedeniyle kızamık, kabakulak ve çocuklara verilen kızamıkçık aşısının yaygın kullanımı görülmektedir.
Kaynak: au.news.yahoo.com
The causes for the illness could be different infectious diseases, including mumps, meningitis, rubella and measles.
Hastalık için nedenleri kabakulak, menenjit, kızamıkçık ve kızamık gibi farklı bulaşıcı hastalıklar, olabilir.
Kaynak: frenchtribune.com
Powless said the CDC also recommends pregnant women receive a vaccination for rubella, also known as German measles.
Powless CDC ayrıca hamile kadınlar Alman kızamığı olarak da bilinen kızamıkçık aşı, alırsınız önerir söyledi.
Kaynak: kokomotribune.com
Rubella, also known as German measles or three-day measles is a disease caused by the rubella virus . The name "rubella" is derived from
Kaynak: Rubella
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can occur in a developing fetus of a pregnant woman who has contracted rubella during her first
Kaynak: Congenital rubella syndrome
Rubella virus is the pathogenic agent of the disease Rubella , and is the cause of congenital rubella syndrome when infection occurs
Kaynak: Rubella virus
Rubella vaccine is a vaccine used against rubella One form is called "Meruvax. Rubella vaccine is included in combination vaccines such as:
Kaynak: Rubella vaccine
Screening for rubella susceptibility by history of vaccination or by serology is recommended in the US for all women of childbearing age
Kaynak: Pre-conception counseling in the United States
Section Rubella: Red Meranti group : : Shorea albida Symington: Shorea dispar P.S.Ashton: Shorea elliptica Burck: Shorea rubella
Kaynak: List of Shorea species
The MMR vaccine is an immunization shot against measles , mumps , and rubella (also called German measles). It was first developed by
Kaynak: MMR vaccine
Minuartia rubella is a species of flowering plant in the pink family known by several common names, including beautiful sandwort, Arctic
Kaynak: Minuartia rubella
Peperomia rubella is a plant species in the Piperaceae family, endemic to Jamaica . It is a small plant, with reddish stems and dark
Kaynak: Peperomia rubella
Palaina rubella is a species of minute land snail with an operculum , a terrestrial gastropod mollusk or micromollusk s in the family
Kaynak: Palaina rubella
Shorea rubella (also called Light Red Meranti) is a species of plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family. It is found in Brunei and Malaysia
Kaynak: Shorea rubella
Rubellatoma rubella is a species of sea snail , a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Mangeliidae Description: date April 2010
Kaynak: Rubellatoma rubella
Kurtziella rubella is a species of sea snail , a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Mangeliidae Description: date March 2010
Kaynak: Kurtziella rubella
The Pine shoot moth (Dioryctria rubella) is a species of snout moths in the genus Dioryctria . It was described by Hampson in 1891, and
Kaynak: Dioryctria rubella
Callicarpa rubella is a species of beautyberry . It is a shrub that produces pink or purple flowers followed by dark-purple berries.
Kaynak: Callicarpa rubella
Assycuera rubella is a species of beetle in the Cerambycidae family It was described by Bates in 1892. References : Category:Cerambycidae
Kaynak: Assycuera rubella

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