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seminar ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

seminar anlamı
1) seminer

"seminar" için örnek kullanımlar

One good way to prepare for emergencies is to attend a Safety at Sea seminar.
Acil durumlar için hazırlamak için iyi bir yolu Deniz seminerde Emniyet devam etmektir.
Kaynak: ocregister.com
15 seminar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Akademisyenler için Woodrow Wilson International Center 15 seminer.
Kaynak: ogj.com
The concert will be followed by a seminar at Action Chapel on the 16th March 2013.
Konser 16 Mart 2013 tarihinde Eylem Chapel bir seminer tarafından takip edilecektir.
Kaynak: entertainment.myjoyonline.com
This free seminar will be held Tuesday at 7 p.m. at FSC's Rogers Auditorium, 111 Lake Ho
Bu ücretsiz seminer 111 Lake Ho, FSC en Rogers Oditoryumu'nda 7 de Salı günü yapılacak
Kaynak: newschief.com
A seminar is, generally, a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional
Kaynak: Seminar
From 1952 to 1980 French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Jacques Lacan gave an influential annual seminar in Paris . of the Seminar are
Kaynak: Seminars of Jacques Lacan
Seybold Seminars was a leading seminar and "the premier trade show for the desktop publishing and pre-press industry It was founded in 1981
Kaynak: Seybold Seminars
Insight Seminars is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Santa Monica, California. The first seminar was led in 1978
Kaynak: Insight Seminars
The Discovery Seminar was developed in 1985 by a team of Israelis. The seminar's rational approach presents evidence for the Divine
Kaynak: Discovery Seminar
The Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (Bourbaki Seminar) is a series of seminar s (in fact public lectures with printed notes distributed) that has
Kaynak: Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki
A seminar caller is a coined phrase for someone who mainly telephones conservative radio talk shows for the purpose of astroturfing ,
Kaynak: Seminar caller

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