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seminary ne demek?

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"seminary" için örnek kullanımlar

It was not until I was in seminary that I discovered why I had such problems with God.
Ben Tanrı ile böyle sorunlar vardı neden keşfetti seminer oldu kadar değildi.
Kaynak: patheos.com
I met women who were one of the few in their seminary class.
Ben onların seminer sınıfta birkaç biri vardı kadınlar bir araya geldi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The archdiocese plans to keep the remaining 30 acres, and the buildings on it, for the seminary.
Başpiskoposluk seminer için, üzerinde kalan 30 dönümlük ve binalar tutmayı planlamaktadır.
Kaynak: philly.com
"I went to the seminary to become a priest,"
"Ben, bir rahip olmak için seminer gitti"
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
A seminary, theological college, or divinity school is an institution of secondary or post-secondary education for educating students
Kaynak: Seminary
Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) is a seminary in Princeton, New Jersey associated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Kaynak: Princeton Theological Seminary
Fuller Theological Seminary is a seminary in Pasadena, California , with several satellite campus es in the western United States .
Kaynak: Fuller Theological Seminary
Unlike its use in other religious contexts, the word seminary , in an LDS Church context, does not refer to a higher education program
Kaynak: Church Educational System
Calvin Theological Seminary is a seminary affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America , located in Grand Rapids,
Kaynak: Calvin Theological Seminary
Covenant Theological Seminary, sometimes known as Covenant Seminary, is the denominational seminary of the Presbyterian Church in America
Kaynak: Covenant Theological Seminary
John's Seminary is a Roman Catholic seminary located in Camarillo, California . It is within the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region of the
Kaynak: St. John's Seminary (California)
Kaunas Priest Seminary (Kauno kunigų seminarija) is the largest seminary in Lithuania serving the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas .
Kaynak: Kaunas Priest Seminary
Saint Vincent Seminary is the fourth oldest Roman Catholic seminary in the United States and is located in Latrobe, Pennsylvania , forty
Kaynak: Saint Vincent Seminary
Oberlin College was a nondenominational seminary In 1965, the board of trustees voted to discontinue graduate instruction in theology at Oberlin.
Kaynak: Oberlin College
had individual faculties for a theological seminary , Islamic law and jurisprudence , Arabic grammar , Islamic astronomy , early Islamic
Kaynak: Madrasa
extant Jewish seminary in the Americas and the main seminary for training rabbi s, cantor s, educators and communal workers in Reform Judaism .
Kaynak: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

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