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sovereign ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sovereign anlamı
1) egemen
2) bağımsız
3) yüce
4) iktidardaki
5) etkili
6) mutlâk
7) mükemmel
8) birebir
9) çok büyük
1) hükümdar
2) padişah
3) kral
4) egemen güç
5) iktidardaki parti
6) bağımsız ülke
7) İngiliz Altın lirası

"sovereign" için örnek kullanımlar

It didn't specify whether bank or sovereign bond holders could be affected.
Bu banka veya egemen tahvil sahiplerine etkilenebilir belirtmek vermedi.
Kaynak: livemint.com
And the market could lose confidence in the sovereign debt that banks hold.
Ve piyasada bankaların tuttukları borç güven kaybedebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: businessinsider.com
It also insists the country's sovereign rating should be very high.
Aynı zamanda ülkenin egemen puanı çok yüksek olmalıdır ısrar ediyor.
Kaynak: business-standard.com
Sovereign held steady at Rs 25,250 per piece of eight gram.
Egemen sekiz gram parça başına Rs 25,250 'de sabit tuttu.
Kaynak: economictimes.indiatimes.com
questioning the significance of the Peace, and some commentators and politicians attacking the Westphalian system of sovereign nation-state s.
Kaynak: Westphalian sovereignty
This is a list of sovereign states giving an overview of states around the world with information on the status and recognition of their
Kaynak: List of sovereign states
In political geography , a sovereign state is a political organization with a centralized government that has supreme independent
Kaynak: Sovereign state
For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own
Kaynak: Sovereignty
The sovereign is a gold coin of the United Kingdom , with a nominal value of one pound sterling but in practice used as a bullion coin .
Kaynak: Sovereign (British coin)
who as sovereign is shared equally with fifteen other countries within the Commonwealth of Nations , all being independent and the
Kaynak: Monarchy of Canada
A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state within the Commonwealth of Nations that currently has Elizabeth II as its reigning
Kaynak: Commonwealth realm
Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine by which the sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune
Kaynak: Sovereign immunity
The Monarchy of Australia is a form of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign of Australia . The monarchy is a
Kaynak: Monarchy of Australia
Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926 birthday | note 1) is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign state s, known
Kaynak: Elizabeth II
The pope is also head of state of Vatican City a sovereign city-state entirely enclaved within the city of Rome. The papacy is one of
Kaynak: Pope
the highest ranked position in a sovereign state and has the vested or implied powers to act as the chief public representative of a state .
Kaynak: Head of state
the sovereign and head of state of the Realm of New Zealand forming the core of the country's Westminster-style parliamentary democracy.
Kaynak: Monarchy of New Zealand
Chinese sovereign is the ruler of a particular period in ancient China . Several titles and naming schemes have been used throughout
Kaynak: Chinese sovereign

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