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sturdy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sturdy anlamı
1) sağlam
2) dayanıklı
3) güçlü
4) gürbüz
5) azimli
6) yapılı
7) sebatlı

"sturdy" için örnek kullanımlar

Pietrangelo, 23, has generally been a sturdy blueliner for the Blues.
Pietrangelo, 23, genel olarak Blues için sağlam bir blueliner olmuştur.
Kaynak: prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com
Black beans, rosemary potatoes and a flour tortilla completed the sturdy meal.
Siyah fasulye, biberiye patates ve un tortilla sağlam yemek tamamladı.
Kaynak: sdcitybeat.com
Not only are these smartphones beautiful, but they are sturdy and built to last.
Sadece bu akıllı güzel, ama bunlar sağlam ve uzun ömürlü vardır.
Kaynak: mobilenapps.com
Caenurosis and Coenuriasis, gid or sturdy in the vernacular) is a parasitic infection that develops in the intermediate hosts of some
Kaynak: Coenurosis
The term sturdy beggar generally refers to an individual of Tudor-era Britain who was fit to work but who instead gained their livelihood
Kaynak: Sturdy beggar (disambiguation)
Drosera andersoniana, the sturdy sundew is an erect perennial tuber ous species in the genus Drosera that is endemic to Western
Kaynak: Drosera andersoniana
It is known by many common names: saltmarsh bulrush, alkali bulrush, sturdy bulrush, seacoast bulrush, stout bulrush, three-cornered sedge
Kaynak: Bolboschoenus robustus

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