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sump ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sump anlamı
1) lağım çukuru
2) yağ karteli
3) maden ocağı su kuyusu
4) kazıya başlamadan önce kazılan tünel

"sump" için örnek kullanımlar

I tried to take it to the sump guard but it hit the suspension arm.
Ben karter koruma için almaya çalıştım ama süspansiyon koluna çarptı.
Kaynak: maxrally.com
Construction workers had sump pumps running in the tunnel to remove the standing water.
İnşaat işçileri karter pompaları ayakta su çıkarmak için tünel çalışan vardı.
Kaynak: wdio.com
However, if you have an electrically operated sump pump, you should not turn off your power.
Eğer elektrikle çalışan su pompası varsa, ancak, size güç kapatmak gerekir.
Kaynak: doverpost.com
Background: Joe was rescued from a sump pump hole at a construction site when he was a tiny kitten.
Amaç: O minik bir yavru iken Joe bir inşaatta bir karter pompa delikten kurtarıldı.
Kaynak: beaconnews.suntimes.com
A sump (American and Canadian English: oil pan) is a low space that collects any often-undesirable liquids such as water or chemicals.
Kaynak: Sump
Sump is a term used in caving to describe a passage in a cave that is submerged under water. A sump may be static, with no inward or
Kaynak: Sump (cave)
A dry sump is a lubricating motor oil management method for four-stroke and large two-stroke piston internal combustion engine s that
Kaynak: Dry sump
A wet sump is a lubricating oil management design for piston engine s which uses the crankcase as a built-in reservoir for oil, as
Kaynak: Wet sump
A sump pump is a pump used to remove water that has accumulated in a water collecting sump basin, commonly found in the basement of
Kaynak: Sump pump
A sump buster (also known as a sump breaker) is type of bus trap , a device used in urban area s to restrict traffic access on various
Kaynak: Sump buster
In fishkeeping , a sump is an accessory tank in which mechanical equipment is kept A remote sump allows for a clutter-free display tank.
Kaynak: Sump (aquarium)
into the tool-chip interface, with walls around the machine to contain the splatter and a sump to catch, filter, and recirculate the fluid.
Kaynak: Cutting fluid
The length of cave between the sumps are known by the number of the sump at the end of the stretch; thus the stretch between the entrance
Kaynak: Swildon's Hole
Wet and dry sump systems: Dry sump. Conventional wet sump engines have one oil pump. It is generally located inside the lower part of the
Kaynak: Oil pump (internal combustion engine)
An infiltration basin (also known as a recharge basin or in some areas, a sump ), is a type of best management practice (BMP) that is used
Kaynak: Infiltration basin
This "integrated dry sump" engine does not have an oil scavenge pump in the crankcase to pump the engine oil to a separate holding tank
Kaynak: Porsche 996
The current maximum depth of 2,191 m was reached during a 46 m dive by Gennadiiy Samokhin into the terminal sump during the expedition of
Kaynak: Krubera Cave
At the end of the short passage sump 7 is a low obstructed sump that connects with the upstream sump 2 and sump 1 of New Goyden Pot.
Kaynak: Nidderdale Caves
Even in a wet sump system, the crankshaft has minimal contact with the sump oil. Otherwise, the high-speed rotation of the crankshaft
Kaynak: Crankcase

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