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sweetening ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sweetening anlamı
1) tatlandırıcı

"sweetening" için örnek kullanımlar

Some organizations are even sweetening the deal by adding prizes to the mix.
Bazı kuruluşlar bile karışıma ödüller ekleyerek tatlandırıcı anlaşma vardır.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
The band is also sweetening the pot by releasing a new single for free at the MOTR gig.
Band Motr konser ücretsiz olarak yeni bir tek bırakarak pot tatlandırıcı olduğunu.
Kaynak: citybeat.com
For 2013, sugary sorbet hues are sweetening up beauty counters with limited editions aplenty.
2013 yılı için, şekerli şerbet tonlar tatlandırıcı kadar aplenty sınırlı sürümleri ile güzellik sayaçları vardır.
Kaynak: hertfordshiremercury.co.uk
Sweetening the proverbial honeypot, 100% of the net proceeds from downloads of Glee's 'Shout!'
Tatlandırma meşhur bal küpü, Glee yüklemeleri elde edilen net gelirin% 100 'Shout!'
Kaynak: globaltv.com
In sound design sweetening ("to sweeten") refers to "juicing up" the video portion of a film, play, computer game software or any other
Kaynak: Sweetening
Amine gas treating, also known as gas sweetening and acid gas removal, refers to a group of processes that use aqueous solutions of various
Kaynak: Amine gas treating
Alternative sweeteners are often low in cost because of their long shelf-life and high sweetening intensity. This allows alternative
Kaynak: Sugar substitute
wine term referring to a portion of selected unfermented grape must , free of microorganisms, to be added to wine as a sweetening component.
Kaynak: Sweetness of wine
Sweetening is the use of a laugh track in addition to a live studio audience in television. Sweetening may also refer to: Copper sweetening
Kaynak: Sweetening (disambiguation)
Copper sweetening is a petroleum refining process using a slurry of clay and cupric chloride to oxidize mercaptan s. The resulting
Kaynak: Copper sweetening
Early live U.S. television, film; "sweetening": In early television, most shows that were not live television used the single-camera
Kaynak: Laugh track
Yacón syrup is a sweetening agent extracted from the tuberous root s of the yacón plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius) indigenous to the Andes
Kaynak: Yacon syrup
A porchcrawler or porchclimb is a mixed drink made primarily of beer , vodka , gin ,and a sweetening agent (for instance, lemonade
Kaynak: Porchcrawler
Glucin is the name of an artificial sweetening agent similar to saccharin that was used in the early 20th century The substance is a
Kaynak: Glucin
SweetPearl is a natural sweetening alcohol made by Roquette of France . It can be used in baking , especially in making fillings for
Kaynak: Maltisorb
referred to as sweetening processes because they results in products which no longer have the sour, foul odors of mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide.
Kaynak: Merox
It is prepared by boiling and mashing azuki bean s and then sweetening the paste with sugar or honey. sieving before sweetening, which leads
Kaynak: Red bean paste
The substance was tested as a sweetening agent for diabetics in 1933. It shows a sweetening property half of that of sucrose but induces
Kaynak: Quebrachitol
Canada's first sweetening plant: Sour gas , as it is known, in its natural state is laced with hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), which can be lethal
Kaynak: History of the petroleum industry in Canada (natural gas)
Nearly all modern chewing tobaccos are produced via a process of leaf curing, cutting, fermentation and processing or sweetening.
Kaynak: Chewing tobacco

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