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tolerant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tolerant anlamı
1) hoşgörülü
2) toleranslı
3) müsamahakâr
4) sabırlı
5) tahammül eden

"tolerant" için örnek kullanımlar

They aren't so patient or tolerant when we invade their workspace, however.
Biz onların çalışma alanı işgal ederken Onlar ancak, bu yüzden hasta veya hoşgörülü değildir.
Kaynak: greenbaypressgazette.com
Finally being tolerant of something does not mean the same as accepting something.
Sonunda bir şey hoşgörülü olmak bir şey almakla aynı anlama gelmez.
Kaynak: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com
The organization has become more tolerant about accepting gays as members and leaders.
Örgüt üyeleri ve liderleri olarak eşcinseller kabul konusunda biraz daha toleranslı hale gelmiştir.
Kaynak: examiner.com
There is only one verb 'to tolerate' and one adjective 'tolerant', but the two nouns 'tolerance' and 'toleration' have evolved slightly
Kaynak: Toleration
The shade tolerant plants found here are capable of photosynthesis using light at such wavelengths. date February 2010 On the other hand,
Kaynak: Shade tolerance
In engineering , fault-tolerant design is a design that enables a system to continue operation, possibly at a reduced level, rather than
Kaynak: Fault-tolerant design
Recovery from errors in fault-tolerant systems can be characterised as either roll-forward or roll-back. When the system detects that it
Kaynak: Fault-tolerant system
Delay-tolerant networking (DTN) is an approach to computer network architecture that seeks to address the technical issues in heterogeneous
Kaynak: Delay-tolerant networking
In mathematical logic , a tolerant sequence is a sequence : T_1,..., T_n. of formal theories such that there are consistent extension s :
Kaynak: Tolerant sequence
An error-tolerant design is one that does not unduly penalize user errors. It is the human equivalent of fault tolerant design that
Kaynak: Error-tolerant design
Fault-tolerant computer systems are systems designed around the concepts of fault tolerance . In essence, they have to be able to keep
Kaynak: Fault-tolerant computer system
Pressure-tolerant electronics (PTE) are electronic components or assemblies that can operate satisfactorily under high pressure (hyperbaric
Kaynak: Pressure-tolerant electronics
Fault-tolerant software has the ability to satisfy requirements despite failures. Definition : The fundamental requirement is to prevent the
Kaynak: Fault-tolerant software
Routing in delay-tolerant networking concerns itself with the ability to transport , or route, data from a source to a destination, which is
Kaynak: Routing in delay-tolerant networking
Shade-tolerant species are species that are able to thrive in the shade , and in the presence of natural competition by other plants.
Kaynak: List of tree species by shade tolerance
The history of delay-tolerant networking examines the bulk of the technologies that began the field that is known today as delay-tolerant
Kaynak: History of delay-tolerant networking

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