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undergrowth ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

undergrowth anlamı
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"undergrowth" için örnek kullanımlar

He battles a savage environment, and primordial creatures that prowl the undergrowth.
O bir vahşi ortamda savaşlar ve ilkel yaratıklar bu sinsi sinsi çalılar.
Kaynak: deadline.com
The small steps into the undergrowth, are a little awkward.
Çalıların içine küçük adımlarla, biraz garip vardır.
Kaynak: thisisfakediy.co.uk
The gazebo project includes clearing undergrowth and brush trees on the island, he said.
Gazebo projesi adada çalılar ve ağaçlar fırça temizleme içerir, dedi.
Kaynak: globegazette.com
The motion also approved clearing undergrowth from the island to allow for better visibility.
Hareket, aynı zamanda daha iyi görünürlük sağlamak için adaya gelen takas undergrowth onayladı.
Kaynak: wcfcourier.com
Undergrowth usually refers to the vegetation in a forest , which can obstruct passage through the forest. The height of undergrowth is
Kaynak: Undergrowth
Acanthus ebracteatus is a species of shrubby herb that grows in the undergrowth of mangrove s of south-east Asia . Common names include
Kaynak: Acanthus ebracteatus
It is used to rake a fire break with the sharp teeth enabling it to reach fire in undergrowth in addition to loose surface debris.
Kaynak: Fire rake
It frequents dense undergrowth in forest s and other wooded habitats. It is not as extremely shy as some other bushshrikes, and can
Kaynak: Yellow-crowned Gonolek
The undergrowth in some areas of a rainforest can be restricted by poor penetration of sunlight to ground level. If the leaf canopy is
Kaynak: Rainforest
They have a tendency to hide, and they drop into the undergrowth if they are disturbed. They are easier to see when in large numbers on
Kaynak: Lochmaea suturalis
They forage in small groups on the forest floor, turning around leaf litter to find their prey and usually staying low in the undergrowth
Kaynak: Puff-throated Babbler
They forage in flocks in the undergrowth of forests constantly making calls and uttering alarm calls when disturbed. Description
Kaynak: Dark-fronted Babbler
A grove is a small group of tree s with minimal or no undergrowth, such as a sequoia grove , or a small orchard planted for the
Kaynak: Grove (nature)
These birds are found in thick undergrowth and are often more easily detected by their calls. Characteristics: File:PittaBrachyuraBrehms.
Kaynak: Indian Pitta
steeply weathered valleys and gullies covered in thick temperate rainforest, predominantly of tall Mountain Ash trees and dense ferny undergrowth.
Kaynak: Dandenong Ranges

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