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underhanded ne demek?

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"underhanded" için örnek kullanımlar

Then, of course, there are the couple of underhanded tricks you can employ.
Sonra, elbette, sen istihdam Gizlide hileler çift vardır.
Kaynak: pocketgamer.co.uk
Ben's ALWAYS giving her underhanded compliments and passive aggressive insults.
Ben DAİMA onu Gizlide övgü ve pasif agresif hakaret veriyor.
Kaynak: celebdirtylaundry.com
They use every underhanded trick in the book to welch on their responsibilities.
Onlar kendi sorumlulukları yerine getirmemek için kitapta her Gizlide hile kullanın.
Kaynak: cdapress.com
Meanwhile, in other underhanded plot news Philip and Elizabeth get a revelation.
Bu arada, diğer Gizlide arsa yandan Philip ve Elizabeth bir vahiy olsun.
Kaynak: buddytv.com
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded,
Kaynak: Psychological manipulation
In a dishonest , sneaky , secret , or sly manner ; also "underhanded" "Grip : Underhand grip A grip in drumming technique. A grip of the bow
Kaynak: Underhand
and unorthodox but accurate underhanded free throw shooting Barry is one of the few elite players who altered their games without losing
Kaynak: Rick Barry
The term "dirty trick" can also be used to refer to an underhanded technique to get ahead of an opponent (such as sabotage or
Kaynak: Dirty tricks
pervasiveness of electronic surveillance , from security cameras in public places to more discreet and underhanded methods, the first film to do so.
Kaynak: The Anderson Tapes
Each of the two paleontologist s used underhanded methods to try to out-compete the other in the field, resorting to bribery, theft, and
Kaynak: Bone Wars
Potter (Alastair Sim ), who teaches him how to win in life and get the better of his rival (Terry-Thomas ), through various underhanded,
Kaynak: School for Scoundrels (1960 film)
rules, his license being suspended several times, and his early career was marred by allegations of cheating and underhanded gambling practices
Kaynak: Skeets Martin
Portrayed in all three films by Keenan Wynn , Hawk is a greedy, underhanded banker/financier who tries to take advantage of the films'
Kaynak: Alonzo Hawk
In a bid to restore funding to his department, House attempts to make an underhanded business transaction with his wealthy patient.
Kaynak: Risky Business (House)
Such actions include his underhanded efforts to eliminate the Mini and his decision to fire Director of Design David Bache .
Kaynak: Harold Musgrove
EasyPizza, a previously existing London based pizza delivery chain who successfully accused EasyGroup of bullying and underhanded practices
Kaynak: EasyPizza
sources as a radical fundamentalist, an underhanded and scheming politician and one of the first heroes of the Indian independence movement
Kaynak: Siddiq Hasan Khan
Through her firsthand experience of the seedy, underhanded and often illegal activities, she exposed the realities of the hospitality
Kaynak: Maura Stone
Inspired by his teammate Rick Barry , Johnson shot his free throw s underhanded. See also : List of National Basketball Association career
Kaynak: George T. Johnson

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