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vestibule ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

vestibule anlamı
1) antre
2) giriş
3) dehliz
4) geçit
5) vagonlar arası geçit

"vestibule" için örnek kullanımlar

The crew now has to set up the vestibule, the area allowing access to the ship.
Mürettebat şimdi vestibül, gemiye erişim sağlayan alanı kurmak zorundadır.
Kaynak: wacotrib.com
In a formal vestibule, this may be a nice chair or satee.
Resmi bir antre, bu güzel bir sandalye veya satee olabilir.
Kaynak: emckingston.ca
Wegman also added an entry vestibule for easier access to the concierge and information desk.
Wegman ayrıca concierge ve danışma masası daha kolay erişim için bir giriş holü ekledi.
Kaynak: naplesnews.com
Crews discovered it while excavating in the area where the center's new vestibule will be, Sullivan said.
Merkezin yeni vestibül olacak alanda kazı sırasında Crews onu keşfetti, Sullivan dedi.
Kaynak: phillyburbs.com
A vestibule. (icon | ˈ | v | ɛ | s | t | ɨ | b | juː | l is a lobby , entrance hall , or passage between the entrance and the interior of a
Kaynak: Vestibule (architecture)
The vestibule is the central part of the osseous labyrinth , and is situated medial to the tympanic cavity, behind the cochlea, and in
Kaynak: Vestibule of the ear
The Vulval vestibule (or "Vulvar vestibule") is a part of the vulva between the labia minora into which the urethral opening and the
Kaynak: Vulval vestibule
This room could be called an inside vestibule (if it is architecturally part of the nave structure) or a porch (if it is a distinct,
Kaynak: Narthex
The three parts of the bony labyrinth are the vestibule of the ear , the semicircular canals , and the cochlea. Vestibular vs.
Kaynak: Inner ear
The portion of the left ventricle immediately inferior to the aortic orifice is termed the aortic vestibule, and possesses fibrous
Kaynak: Aortic vestibule
The portion of the cavity of the larynx above the vocal folds is called the vestibule; it is wide and triangular in shape, its base or
Kaynak: Vestibule of larynx
The artery of bulb of vestibule is a branch of the internal pudendal artery . External links : 41 | 13 | 02 | 04 "The Female Perineum: The
Kaynak: Artery of bulb of vestibule
buses, double buses, banana buses, slinky buses, wiggle buses, caterpillar buses, accordion buses or vestibule buses date September 2010.
Kaynak: Articulated bus

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